Kids Pastor / Children’s Director Position

House of Bread Church
Orangevale, California, United States
Date Posted: 06/20/2024
Categories: Church/Ministry
Job Type: Full-Time
Pay Type: Salary
Pay Range: $80,000 - $100,000
Employee Workplace: On-site
Job Description:


House of Bread church is seeking a Children's Director who embodies our core values and vision for our young community members. This strategic hire is pivotal in shaping the spiritual and personal growth of our children through engaging, structured, and dynamic programming. Below is a detailed outline of the desired qualities, necessary skills, and our forward-looking vision for this role.


Our ideal candidate for the Children’s Director position possesses a blend of personal attributes and professional abilities that will enrich our children's ministry. We seek an individual who is:

  • Structured and Organized: Demonstrates the ability to create and maintain systems for effective ministry operation.
  • High Executive Skills: Exhibits strong decision-making, project management, and leadership capabilities.
  • High Empathy: Shows a profound ability to understand and share the feelings of others, particularly our children.
  • Inviting and Approachable: Creates an environment where children and parents feel welcome and supported.
  • Strong Leadership: Leads by example, inspiring a shared vision among ministry volunteers and staff.
  • Engaging: Captivates children's attention and participation through interactive and meaningful activities.
  • Dynamic Communication Skills: Effectively communicates with children, parents, and staff in various settings.
  • Curriculum Development and Implementation: Crafts and executes educational programs that are doctrinally sound and developmentally appropriate.
  • Sound Doctrine: Upholds and teaches biblical principles with clarity and conviction.
  • Leadership Development: Identifies, trains, and empowers emerging leaders within the ministry.
  • Child Development Experience: Brings a solid understanding of the psychological, social, and spiritual stages of child development.


The Children’s Director position requires a unique set of professional skills and experiences:

  • Experienced Background: Demonstrates a proven track record in children's ministry or a related field.
  • Larger Church Experience: Brings insights and practices from working within a larger church context, advantageous for scaling programs and managing diverse groups.


  • Program Development: Shape programs that cater to each stage of child development, ensuring age-appropriate engagement.
  • Memorable Experiences: Create memorable and shareable experiences for kids, fostering a sense of belonging and excitement about their faith journey.
  • Year-Round Engagement: Implement a comprehensive, year-round program that supports spiritual growth and community among our children.
  • Teacher Development: Cultivate a mature group of teachers to provide multicultural role models for our children.
  • Empowerment and Training: Train and empower teachers to lead dynamic and spiritually enriching classes.
  • Vacation Bible School (VBS): Develop and grow our VBS program as a cornerstone of our annual ministry calendar.
  • Transitional Age Engagement: Introduce dynamic engagements for children at transitional ages, extending beyond the Sunday program.
  • Tween and Jr. High Integration: Develop bridges that integrate Tweens and Jr. High students smoothly into our student ministries. 
  • Mission Mindset: Foster a mission mindset among teachers and students, emphasizing the importance of leading others to Jesus.
  • Dream Team Culture Integration: Work alongside the campus pastor to integrate Sunday school teachers into the broader 'dream team' culture, promoting unity and shared purpose across all church ministries.

Strategic Initiative: Develop A Special Needs Ministry Program

  • Develop programs that are welcoming and accessible to children with a variety of special needs, ensuring they can participate fully in the life of the church.
  • Consider physical accommodations, sensory-friendly environments, and adaptable curriculum materials that cater to diverse learning styles and needs.


The Children’s Director role is central to the spiritual development and community engagement of our young members at the House of Bread. We are committed to finding a leader who shares our vision and values, bringing innovation, passion, and a deep love for children’s ministry to this vital position. This strategic hire will not only shape the future of our children's ministry but also impact the broader church community by fostering a vibrant and spiritually rich environment for all.

About House of Bread Church

House of Bread Church

Orangevale CA 95662
