SVA Church

Fall City, Washington -

Phone: 4258296824

SVA Church is located in Snoqualmie Valley, Washington - a suburban community about 30 minutes east of Seattle. Our community is nestled within the foothills of the Cascade Mountain range and is known for its beautiful scneic views, hikes, and outdoor adventures. The Snoqualmie Valley is comprised of multiple small cities (our church is within Fall City, WA) but the entire valley holds a collective culture and community. 

SVA Church was founded in 1999 and is an integral aspect of the larger community with strong relationships between local non-profits, businesses, and schools. Our mission is to help people find their way back to God. The core tennats of our church community are: Come As You Are, Live Connected, Experience Transformaiton, and Change Your World. 

Who We Are:

  • We're Creative - We believe that church should be a fun and creative experience, so we are willing to do and try different things in order to make Jesus famous in a positive way. While we are Biblical in our beliefs, we make services and learning fun, creative and engaging.
  • We're Prayerful - At SVA Church we pray like it depends on God, and work like it depends on us. We want to be great at living out the great commandment and the great commission. We strive to make the name of Jesus famous in our generation.
  • We're Relevant - We believe that if you want to reach people no one is reaching, you have to do things no one is doing. A church that stays within its four walls isn’t a church at all. We don’t go to church because we ARE the church. The church is not a noun, it’s a verb, an action verb.
  • We're Graceful - We want to be known more for what we are for than what we are against. We celebrate each person as invaluable and irreplaceable in the eyes of God. Like Jesus, we love people unconditionally.
  • We're Safe - If you've never set foot in a church or been in church your whole life, we're here to help. No matter where you are in your faith journey, we're here to help you and we're not afraid of the hard questions.
  • We're Hopeful - We hope to be apart of the God-dream that's inside of you, and we invite you to become a part of the mission of SVA! We see ourselves as a community where people boldly step into the dream God has for them and go for it!